Available sizes:
8.5" x 11" open edition print (only at shows)
11" x 14" open edition print
18" x 24" signed and numbered, limited edition print (out of 250)
Want to purchase this artwork? Buy it directly from the artist at the following shows:
About the Piece:
What happens when two wizards are equal in strength and are in an epic battle of life and death? Sometimes the unexpected.
Two wizards atop a tower, one good, one evil. As they hurl magical blasts and attacks back and forth, the good wizard is hit, and falls to his knees. Looking up at his adversary, blood trickles down his lip. His evil brother looks down upon him, as he summons the final fireball above his head. He gloats,"And what will you do now, brother?" Reaching into his sleeve, the good wizard replies, "Counter this!"
This is the moment, right before he pulls the trigger, when you see the reflection of the evil wizard, saying "Oh sh..."
People's Choice, Chattacon XXX, 2010.
LibertyCon, People's Choice, 2010.
About the Artist:
Paul and his brother Michael opened Aradani Studios in 2002, selling both their artwork and costuming as they travelled all across the US. Paul’s medium of choice is charcoal, a passion he discovered in college. He loves the fluidity of it, the ease of moving it across the page with a simple gesture, and on the flipside, the challenge of it, such a simple gesture can also erase hours of painstaking detail. Paul’s work has won numerous awards around the country, including the prestigious Chesley Award in 2006, for Best Monochrome Unpublished for his piece Nightmare. He currently resides in Nashville, TN, where he, his brother, and sister continue to expand and build their elf ear empire. You can see his artwork at .